Real Name:
Clark A. Smith
HX Hotel Name:
Chosen Rank :
Past Experience:
I was staff on Tack Hotel but the site has shutdown. Also was owner of a Retro.
Age: 15
Country of Residence?
United Stated
How will i dedicate myself to HX hotel?
I would show my-self as a good role models to others. Also I can get users to donate to help out the hotel.
Changes that I will make to the community which in turn will better a user’s experience include:
Make more jobs available in my community.
I will be enthusiastic about a staff position because: I want to help to improve the gaming experirence for all HX Members.
You are confronted by a player in despair who has just been scammed. What advice do you give them? Try to get to know the person more better and before dealing with the player. Most important dont trade the person if you dont trust the person. Trust is Key.
What would you do in situation where someone has been scammed?
I would watch the scammer to make sure the person is telling the truth about the situation.
You are the only cadet online and about 20 players or so are making requests and asking various questions. How do you gain control of the situation?
I would divide them up depending on question and answer there question.
Why do you think Trainee's are not qualified to perform the duties of administrators? Describe the difference between the two positions.
Trainee's havent learn the responsibilies and aspects of being a admin. Administrators have more experirence and know the rules and aspects of being a great leader.
What is the difference between Trainee's and Admins?
Trainee's- Are preparing to become a Moderator. Admins- Have already been a Moderator and has been promoted to Administrator.
When are you likely to be available? I am available 5 days out of the week and can be online for 2pm-10pm
Thanks for your time for reading my Application-Clark